Saturday, June 12, 2010

Big Mama

It's been awhile since Toby was the size of an ear of corn or a mango - we've moved on to a rutabaga (don't everyone go measure the one that's sure to be on your kitchen counters all at once, now) and the 1.5 pound mark. He'll be growing pretty quickly from now on and, by default, I suppose I will be too. And to start marking the changes coming more and more quickly, we're finally starting the "stand awkwardly in one place and look huge" pictures. So here's Valerie and Tobin at 25 weeks (please keep in mind that it's a Saturday so I'm not lookin' my Sunday best).

Many of you will notice the umbrella in the corner. We still live in Phoenix, so I'll give you a guess as to how many times we've needed that particular instrument since moving here...ZERO. In fact, we overjoyously celebrated a high temp in the low 90's today since we've been rocking the triple digits for a few weeks now. And let me tell you, being pregnant feels like I'm carrying a portable space heater in front of myself. Just in case you were wondering.

In spite of the heat, I've been feeling pretty good. Had some scary continuous cramping last Friday, but the Dr said to first try drinking more water before we did anything else. Lo and behold, poor Toby was dehydrated. It's hard to remember to drink as much water as I should, especially in the mornings when I'm constantly moving around for class, but I'm doing the best I can. It's rewarding to feel him move around when he's happy and hydrated, so that's pretty good incentive. Poor kid - I can barely keep plants watered and alive and now I'm responsible for watering another human?? Guess this is just one of the first ways habits will have to change!

And the reason I haven't been blogging lately is my "part-time" summer teaching job. Don't get me wrong - I am SO GRATEFUL that God blessed me with the opportunity to plan and teach freshmen accounting at ASU this month. It's a huge resume-booster and even better experience to use as a push-off for a career in education. But it's definitely no part-time job, usually requiring 8+ hours a day. And I'm not even having to design much of my own materials. Thankfully, I was offered the June session rather than July because I'm not sure I would have had enough energy to try and tackle this at 6-7 months pregnant. I'm also thankful for the ability to realize my limitations. When I think ahead to the Spring semester, I arrogantly thought I would be ready (with a 3-month old to consider) to take on 3 courses, which is the full 9 hours allowed an adjunct professor. Because of this summer course, I realize that immersing myself in that much would probably not be best for myself or my expanded family...I want to be able to give Tobin more time than just tired scraps at the end of the day, which is what J.Paul has wound up with the last couple weeks more often than not. Lots to think about - thank you, Lord, for the ability to see the bigger picture before I buried myself by taking on too much in January.

One other big thing we're considering right now is whether or not we should trade my car for a "family-friendly" vehicle. This isn't easy for me; "Shelly" (my Phantom Blue Mazda RX-8) has been my dream car and a ton of fun to drive. The young, crazy adult part of me isn't wild about giving up the fun for a sedan. But then the practical side (come on, you knew I had one...I'm an accountant) said a sedan would be better for carting around a baby. We're looking into it, watching for a great deal on a used Honda or Toyota. I hate my practical side sometimes.

Keep watching as we keep growing. Only three more months till Tobin's debut. Seems like so long and, yet, it's coming up fast!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

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