Sunday, June 20, 2010

Move it Like This

Given Tobin's propensity for motion these days, I can only hope that he doesn't come out showing these kinds of moves... All that's missing is the lampshade ^_^

We're feeling pretty good this week. No 26-week picture to post; I choose to make comparisons over longer periods than just one week. Otherwise, it might just be too depressing to see how fast my stomach starts to proceed me. My poor students are having to scoot their chairs further and further in when I try to squeeze behind them. That classroom was not designed for a pregnant woman to have access to all student seats.

Sadly, J.Paul has abandoned me for the week. Well, not abandoned, exactly. He's gone today through Thursday for our church's youth camp in California. I SO wish I were there with them (because summer camp is always awesome!), but I couldn't just ask for a replacement teacher for a whole week of my class when there're only 5 weeks total. It's kind of lonely around the house by myself, especially in the evenings. Then again, I do get the whole bed to myself - mwahaha.

I keep mentioning school - funny how a job can take over your thoughts so much. And it's sad that this job only lasts 2 more weeks. Meeting every day for longer periods has made it easy to get to know my students, as opposed to a 50-minute meeting twice a week in the regular semester. There are a few challenging students to deal with, but for the most part, the class is full of sweethearts. I received the first bribe offering of my education career - one student offered a donut for a better exam grade. Oh please, like one donut will do it for me. Hello - eating for two here! Just kidding, I'd never succumb to a donut bribe...though I might have reconsidered for two weeks of Dunkin Donuts coconut coffee. Again, joking. But some of those students should spend less energy trying to find ways of getting out of a bad exam grade and refocus on earning a better grade to begin with. Ah well, at least it's exciting!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

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