Thursday, August 5, 2010

Catchin' Up - Part 2

If you're just joining me, you may want to start on the "Part 1" post of my great adventure catch-up. But that's entirely your choice - if you want to walk on the wild side, go ahead, read out of order.

After Vegas, but before my next trip, I had to endure my glucose tolerance test. I'd heard about it, mostly about drinking the "orange soda", but was still pretty nervous about having blood drawn and what it might mean if they found some diabetes indicators. Fortunately, the orange drink went down pretty well (though drinking all that sugar on an empty stomach really gave Tobin something to move about) and the nurse was able to get all the needlework done pretty quickly. You'll also be happy to know that I cleared the test with flying colors. Is it sad that the best part for me about "passing" the test wasn't that I didn't have diabetes complications, but that I wouldn't have to go through the 3-hour follow-up test? I'm a terrible mother already. My reward for being so brave at the doctor's office was a McDonalds cheeseburger meal and a pregnancy massage, given to me by my in-laws as my birthday gift (the massage was the gift...definitely not the cheeseburger). Ahh...bravery has it's benefits.

The day after my doctor's appointment, I flew up to Grand Forks AFB, ND to visit my friend Amber and her two girls. The oldest is 3-year old Ayla (who very much likes to dress up in her pretty dress) and the youngest is 3-month old Constance (who is the smiliest baby I've ever met). Since they're both adorable, you have to see some of my pictures:

How cute are they? I have to confess, though, that watching Amber handle a toddler and a baby gave me serious pause in thinking about how close together I might want to have my own children. Amber is a fabulous mother and Ayla is extremely polite and well-behaved, but there are still those temper-tantrum moments or times when naps just don't work out like you'd want them to. I know I shouldn't borrow trouble from the future, but it is something to think about.

I came home from North Dakota, took a weekend to do laundry and take a breather, then flew out to Georgia to visit my extended family. I've been so excited about the Georgia trip, it's a little hard to believe it's over already. My brother flew over from San Antonio, my mom flew down from Wash DC to be there, and her brother's family (with three of my cousins) came to see us as well (nearly a family reunion, minus my dad and J.Paul). Here was my greeting upon arriving at my grandparents' house...aren't my cousins creative?

Notice "Tobin the Tank Engine" to the left. Love it! It was pretty hard to leave Georgia this time. Not that it's ever easy to say goodbye to your family, and it should have been a smidge easier, knowing that I'll be seeing them again in November when they come to visit Tobin. But it was really hard to leave the place I've known from the perspective of "the grandchild" all my life with the knowledge that the next time I visit, I'll be someone's mom. Growing up is tough sometimes, mostly I think because of the extra responsibility. And there's still that sense that I'm losing my freedom to be selfish and do what I want, when I want. Maybe Tobin and I can get in sync quickly and he'll agree with me most of the time. "Tobin needs" is a great excuse for everything (trust me, I've used it extensively the last 7 months).

And so I'm home, though my adventures don't end here. No sir, watch for Part 3 of this tale (perhaps it will be a trilogy - move over Lord of the Rings) at a later time.

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

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