Friday, March 19, 2010

Where to begin?

With so many life changes on the horizon, the Chambers family has finally decided to join the wonderfully technological world of blogging to keep everyone updated on all our happenings. I know, we're fascinating people - how have we gone this long without posting about our lives?! But let's put that behind us and just pick the best place to begin this journey...the present.

As many know already, J.Paul and I are anticipating the arrival of our first child on September 23. Or whenever it decides to show up, since I hear exact due dates are more of a myth than a fact. We're definitely excited, but it's a little tough to get too worked up about something that still feels a little unreal. I'm not showing yet, just dealing with the famed 1st trimester symptoms, and J.Paul's doing his best to play "supportive husband" 24/7. He deserves an award for this, trust me.

Most excitingly, I did have my second OB appointment Monday, the 15th, and she confirmed what we already suspected...that's right, I am having a human baby. Got to hear it's heartbeat for the first time at a nice 140 bpm. Let's hope this bodes well for his/her metabolism in the future. For those who are wondering, yes, we DO want to know the gender and will be very excited to post about it in about 7 weeks, along with some grainy ultrasound pictures that most normal people can't read. This is one of my fears (albeit a lesser one) - that the doctor will do the ultrasound and exclaim about the baby's head, feet, etc and I won't be able to see anything but a gray blob. What do you do in that situation? If you say you can't identify your child in a photo, are you already a bad mother? Do you fake excitement and hope you say the right thing? This isn't keeping me up at night, but it is an interesting dilemma.

On other news, I'm sadly finishing up my Spring Break and preparing to jump back into school next Monday. I've heard it and said it before, but why do vacation days go so much faster than work days? So not fair. I can't even say that this week was especially productive, but it was very relaxing. Started it off by traveling to Dallas for my college roommate's wedding - a beautiful Christ-centered ceremony followed by reconnecting with several other college friends. Also finally got to see a few KPMG friends, whom I've very much missed this past year. Funny, but when you plan to leave a job, you don't necessarily consider the co-worker family you'll also be leaving. Now that accounting "busy season" is over, I hope to spend a little more time with my old friends.

J.Paul has had the week off from his evening classes, which meant we got to see each other more this week than usual. Tuesday, we even went to dinner with the Newtown, PA guys who were down this week. Been a while since we've been able to do that, so it was very nice. He jumps back into his class schedule next week, though, and has to push through until mid-May just like I do. My gradation is May 15, and his classes will be on break for a few weeks after that as the ASU professors take some time off.

For a first blog, this was surprisingly easy. For me, at guarantees on how readable or interesting it was for you. ^_^ Keep watching, we hope to start incorporating pictures in the not-too-distant future!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

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