Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting Shot Hurts!

Today I had to do one of the hardest things of my life (thus far)...hold down my precious, but wailing, son while he received his first set of shots. Three of them!! Ouch. =( Fortunately, this wasn't the nurse's first time around the block and she had all three done and the band-aids (Tweety Bird and Puddy Tat...we were hoping for racecars or something more manly) on before he could finish his first long wail. After that, he quieted down and slept on the way home and during his nap like normal. After the nap, it was business as usual. He's become such a smiley, happy baby and today was no different. But Mama sure remembers the trauma and is not looking forward to a repeat performance in two months for his next set of boosters. I wonder, does he in his traumatized state associate me with the pain? I hate to think this is doing lasting damage...I doubt it does (I don't remember my shots and, to hear the story, it was a pretty miserable experience for all involved) but not knowing kinda hurts me a little. OK, we won't dwell on that anymore. Toby's asleep and seems to be doing fine. We'll see if tomorrow morning is just as good.

I'm also working on getting our photos uploaded from Thanksgiving - and a few from before - so here's a taste of our holiday season:

Look at these new shoes! (Thanks again to Dad's Brazilian dentist friend for the sneakers)

Toby loves to watch the helicopter on his bumper pad...we're thinking it might take off if we don't watch carefully enough!

Toby's generous with his smiles, especially when he's a "Toby Burrito" in Dad's lap (Toby still loves to be swaddled and it keeps him warm)

Toby was all decked out in his Thanksgiving finest (Thanks to Nana for the outfit)!

And finally, here we have the whole Chambers clan (at the Biltmore Hotel fountain), including Nana, Granddad, and Uncle Jeff

We don't have an eventful rest of the week planned. Just sort of chilling out around the house. I'd love to take Toby to Zoolights one evening...maybe next Monday when J.Paul doesn't have class. Not sure how much he'd appreciate it now, but Mom and Dad would enjoy the evening out looking at the lights. =)

Have a great night!
Love in Christ ~ Valerie

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