Tuesday, November 30, 2010


By the way, for those who are curious, here's the "official" change in Toby's measurements from birth to 2 months:

Weight - 7 lbs 10 oz
Length - 20.5 in

2 months:
Weight - 12 lb 1 oz
Length - 24 in

So, basically, we have a 2-month old who fits wonderfully into his 3-month clothing except for the length. And of course it's winter when we're trying to use all the cute 3-month footie sleepers he's got. =( Fortunately, a lot of them are longish and not too constricting for him. But I'm thinking we'll need to move up to 6 months after his next growth spurt, whenever that is. Such a big boy now!!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

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