Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks!

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever!" Ps 107:1

Every time I sit down at the computer with the thought of updating this blog (cuz we have a gazillion photos that haven't made it on here), I have the thought "what am I doing? I have just a few moments of peace...quick! get something done!" But today, this is my something to get done. (BTW, I also have the thought "wait a minute, it's 3 in the morning! what am I doing at the computer?" when I'm here after Toby's finished his early morning snack.)

Yesterday, Toby was officially 2 months old. Part of me feels like I have whiplash from how quickly those 2 months flew; the other part is wondering how he could only have been here 2 months when it feels like forever. I suppose that's just the way growing up works, especially once you have children along to speed the process. In his first nine weeks of life, Toby will have had grandparents collectively here for half that. We're so thankful for a family that loves us and has been so eager to expand that love to include him. Though, I sometimes wonder if love doesn't shift just a little rather than expand so much...J.Paul and I realize people only want to Skype us because they'll see Toby. No worries, we won't be going crazy and pouring out our woes on the psychiatrist's couch due to neglect. ^_^ Anyway, here's some photos from Toby's visits with family (in chronological order so you can see how much he's grown!):
Week 1 with Grandma and Grandpa:

Week 2 with Nana and Granddad:

Week 5/6 with Grandma and Grandpa:

We'll look forward to posting Week 9 pictures with Nana and Granddad from our Thanksgiving visit once we collect all the pictures and get them loaded on the computer.

You can still check out more photos of Toby at our Picasa album (link here), though I confess we haven't done as good a job of taking photos and keeping it updated as we should. Life just gets rolling and *poof* another week is gone.

We love our little man and are extremely thankful for the blessing he has already been to our family. In Pastor Tim's sermon this past Sunday, he spoke about how we often look at life and proudly observe all that we have done rather than standing back and being thankful instead for what the Lord has done (since we're pretty incapable of doing much on our own). I've known that children are a gift from God, but it is pretty easy to get wrapped up in the "we" of it all (I gave birth, we provide a home and necessities, we hold and love him, we wake up in the middle of the night with him, etc). Today, on Toby's first Thanksgiving, I'm letting go of the "we" and letting my heart be truly thankful for the Lord's blessings.

May you have a beautiful Thanksgiving with those you love and be thankful most for all that the Lord has blessed you with.

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

1 comment:

  1. i love this, valerie. thanks for teaching me. hugs to you and sweet toby! love, sari
