Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Big Week for Baby

My "here's what's going on this week in your pregnancy" email just arrived and I had to share. Tobin is 23 weeks and is just tipping the scales at 1 pound. Yay! We've reached the 1-pounder mark! In case you were on the edge of your seat, that's about the size of a large mango. We're working on a pretty good fruit salad with all the sizes Tobin's going through.

Even better news is that he can feel me dance. So crank up the music, baby, we're gonna get movin'! No, not really. It's not much fun to dance when you're carrying about 15 extra pounds of miscellaneous body bits. Are we sure Tobin's just one pound?!?

And the best news of all, Tobin can hear and become accustomed to external noises. So that means he's going to come out thinking Cali is his mother (because she does so much talking during the day) and he'll be scared to death of the vacuum cleaner because I never use it. I mean, he'll love the vacuum, because I'm going to use the one my parents just got me all the time. ^_^ In fact, I think I'll go do that now. Vroom vroom, Tobin!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

Monday, May 24, 2010

Deep thoughts

A few new mothers told me that they would, at times, forget that they were pregnant. Since I was still suffering through the 1st trimester when I heard that, I politely smiled and nodded but was really thinking "you've got to be kidding me". Really, who could forget the discomfort...much less the extra bulk. But, alas, it's true. When I'm just around the house, reading or playing with Cali, I have had occasions where I totally forget what's going on inside me. Or how much life will be changing in just 4 more months. But then I feel Tobin starting up his gymnastics or I walk by a mirror and get an abrupt reminder. It's a good one though...4 months seems like a long, long time to wait to meet our boy. Remind me of that later, please, when I want to send him back where he came from!

J.Paul received a book, Point Man, from my dad the other weekend and suggested I read one of the chapters about raising a child. It made me think more on how we're called as parents to raise children, specifically about how we have to demonstrate the role of father/mother, husband/wife, and man/woman to the little people learning from us. It seems like a lot of people use Ephesians 5:21-33 in wedding ceremonies - we did - but then forget to reflect on the words after marriage becomes a routine. Thinking on how Tobin will learn about God and how people relate to each other and the world made me go back to these verses. Will Tobin see me submitting to J.Paul's leadership as the head of our household? Will he then see us submitting to the Lord's leadership in all aspects of our lives? I so easily get caught up in thinking about how strong I am, how competent in making my own decisions, how marketable my skills are to earn money for more than just necessities...but these are traps that cause me to forget about submission. Hard to submit when you're trying to power the engine! There's no way to address my problem of self-reliance other than training my eyes on God and asking Him to both humble me and show His own glory.

Something else that's been on my mind is how necessary it will be for us to show Tobin the importance of the church. J.Paul and I work with our church's youth group and we're making some pretty big changes in the fall to do more toward encouraging youth to attend "big church" with their families. Seeing how few students participate in corporate worship, really how few students even regularly attend church functions at all, brings home the point that our children won't make church a priority until parents show them the importance of meeting together with the body of Christ. It's easy now to point fingers at parents without thinking about my own heart on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings, even before we have to get a child up and ready to go. Tobin will be watching everything (and probably doing a fair amount of eavesdropping on mom and dad), so showing evidence of my desire to be with other Christians in worship and growth will be important as he learns to appreciate the church and make it an integral part of his own life.

This was a weighty post, but I guess that's what happens when I have too much time on my hands to think! Next week, I begin teaching my 5-week summer session and imagine there will be much less free time for pondering the mysteries of life. Instead, my head will be filled with accounting theories and how best to communicate them to my students in order for them to gain some sort of understanding! I know, I know...I'm nuts. ^_^

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Check, check, and...check

I would hazard a guess and say that everyone loves a sense of accomplishment. Maybe not as much as I do, but everyone has to. There's something almost magical about surveying recent history and seeing how many things have been marked off the mental (or written, as the case may be) "to-do" list. And don't think you don't have a "to-do" just may not love yours quite as much as I do.

This past weekend, I graduated- give that one a ginormous check mark. Grad school is over, at least until I decide to pursue a Ph.D. It was a nice feeling, though a little anticlimactic. Here I left my job last year to shift careers and now the first big step is over. There weren't any balloons falling from the skies or golden sparkles revealing a fairy-tale door for me to step through to my future...but there were bagpipes. Can't forget the bagpipes. Apparently, Arizona State's business school has a local pipe and drum corps play during the processional every year. Since I missed out on an undergraduate ceremony, I'm so glad I went to my commencement and caught them this year. Just about made the whole school year worth it! And for those who want proof that I graduated, or for those who are waiting to see the famous "baby bump" photo, here it is!

OK, so it's entirely possible I stole the cap and have a (small) pillow stuffed under my shirt, but that's less believable than me actually graduating as a pregnant lady, right? Plus, it was pretty hot that morning, and I wouldn't have gone to the trouble just to fool you. Trust me.

The other big check mark goes to my new baby registry. My awesome mom was able to stay in Phoenix a few extra days with me and get me rolling on the nursery/kiddo planning. Thank you, Mom! Babies R Us probably wouldn't have known how to handle my ignorance if I had been on my own! It was a tiring process, but so nice to have the initial registry out of the way. I had NO idea babies needed so much stuff. Now we can just make changes as the whim strikes us (or when J.Paul vetoes some of my many cute blanket choices). And, of course, now we wait on Tobin to come join the family and enjoy some of the goodies we've picked out for him!! Hurry up, Tobin!

Love in Christ (the giver of all things, including accomplishments) ~ Valerie

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Comfort and Joy

Yes, I do realize it's not Christmas yet (or anywhere near, actually), but can you really appreciate comfort and joy too much? I'm grateful for both those things right now. Everyone said the 2nd trimester would be way better than the first...and, thank you, is. It's like God programmed our bodies to have a breather between the more difficult 1st and 3rd trimesters. Sort of a lull that says "congratulations, you've made it this far" combined with "you have no idea what I've got in store for you next". Ah well. A pastor once said that you're either going through a storm or coming up on one. I'll enjoy the break for now, thank you very much.

I've been very good and haven't bought Toby any of the cute outfits that seem to be throwing themselves in front of my line of sight everywhere I go. J.Paul is mildly appreciative, but doubtful that my self-control will last the rest of this pregnancy. But if there are any cute maroon football outfits (or, by some miracle, an A&M outfit in a clearance bin at the Phoenix mall), I'm getting one. Our little guy will be just in time for football season, so he needs to be properly attired. And for you Texans reading this - a UT outfit is not acceptable.

Speaking of clothing, I had a moment of self-pity this morning when I decided to try on my bathing suit to see if it might fit for our TA pool party on Friday. Oh dear...note to self, don't do that again until next summer. It was almost traumatic, but then I laughed and moved on. I mean, who really feels good in a bathing suit anyway? At least I have a good excuse this year. I'll just spare anyone else the sight and stick with wind shorts and a t-shirt.

Have a blessed week, my friends!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie & Tobin

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Coasting Along

The last few days, I've sat down several times to write a new blog post, but always decided that there wasn't anything important enough to say that would justify bumping Tobin's picture down from the top of the page. There still isn't really, but the funny thing about blogging is that, after awhile, it becomes comfortable enough that you just miss it if you don't get on and say something about what's on your mind.

School's wrapping up pretty nicely and I finished teaching my TA class last Friday (their final exam was last night, but we didn't have morning classes all week). That's left me a lot more free time on my hands to do...well, whatever I want. Our TV's been broken a couple weeks now and, though it's frustrating not to be able to watch the Suns crush the Spurs (sorry, had to throw that in) in my own home, it's been a disguised blessing not to have a mindless sinkhole to just fall into every spare minute while I'm home. You'd think I'd have taken advantage of all this free time to be productive in planning evening meals and catching up on housework (as if you can really "catch up"), but no. I've got a new time taker - the Internet. It's amazing what you can find out there. Did you know the IRS employee tax manual has instructions for collecting taxes after a nuclear war? I know you're happy to hear that you'll still be able to contribute to our country's best efforts at mindless spending, in spite of mass destruction...I sure was. And another - McDonald's is the world's largest distributor in toys (though Santa Clara County, CA is working to change that Anyway, I have lots more if you're interested. Or you could find them yourselves when you're bored.

We had small group (Bible study) last night and I LOVE the time spent growing with the other young women in our group. Most are mothers of young children, so I always learn a lot of practical stuff from them. One mother has been reading the book "Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free", which I've had on my "to-read" list (and my bookshelf) for a while now. I pulled it down this morning and read the section on children, surprised at how many of the lies I've bought into. It's a dangerous position to be in when we don't carefully think through the ideas the world throws at us and match them up with the gospel and instructions God has given us, whether the ideas are about children, marriage, or even about God Himself. The thought of being responsible (no, accountable) for the way we instruct our children should drive us to the Bible for our own instructions. And yet, we seek answers on the Internet, crazy humans that we are. Colossians 1:15-23 proclaims the ultimate supremacy of Christ, and we really think some mommy message board is going to give us better guidance?!?

Speaking of mommy message boards, the Internet has it's fair share of them and I confess that my new Internet preoccupation has taken me across a few. There was one forum discussing whether or not you should "stimulate" an unborn baby with books, music, etc to give them a jump start on life. That sounded dumb to me even as I just typed it...a jump start on life just by reading nursery rhymes and playing Mozart. How far ahead will that really put you? Then I also read in my "Your Baby's Development this Week" newsletter that Tobin can possibly hear and recognize my voice now. So for the next 20 weeks (or thereabouts), I have a captive audience. Put that together with the whole "jump start" idea and I started thinking about the words Tobin will hear me say over and over before he's even born. Cali (my pet, in case you missed the post from a couple weeks ago) is just a cat, but she recognizes her name and a few key words (like "treat") just from our repetition of them. Would Tobin also recognize important words from me saying them often enough before he's born? I'm not sure, but that in itself was a conviction. If I want my child to grow up with the understanding of who Jesus is, shouldn't he be hearing that name over and over from me even now? Maybe it makes no real difference to Tobin right now, but it's something for me to be mindful of.

Alright, Tobin's picture is now WAY down on the page, because Mom got a little carried away in her posting. Nothing new about that, for those of you who know much I like to chatter. Have a beautiful weekend!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie & Tobin

Monday, May 3, 2010

We Welcome You to Munchkin Land

We had our first ultrasound on Friday and finally got to see baby C! Poor thing looked a little trapped, since movement is pretty restricted right now. But he kept his hands up and even gave us this picture...I'm going to interpret it as a wave from my kiddo. You know, just sayin' Howdy.

In case you didn't just catch it, we did choose to go ahead and find out that we're having a BOY! I'm not sure how anyone can stand to go through an ultrasound and not be dying to know whether it's a boy or a girl. It was hard enough for me to wait while the technician worked her way from head to feet. Anyway, we'll be naming the little guy Tobin James and can't WAIT to meet him in September. The tech couldn't really say much about his development, but we could see the lobes of his brain, his spine, and all four chambers of his heart pumping away. Not to mention the kicking legs and waving arms. It was an indescribably amazing experience to see my baby living inside me...really living, not just lying there like the gray blob I feared we'd be viewing. I admit it, I cried, and now I'm not sure I'm too happy about having to wait 4 1/2 more months just to hold him. Such a precious thing, being used by God to bring another child into our world. My mother in law treated me to a fabulous massage a couple months ago, and my masseuse gave me the following quote from Erma Bombeck - "If I had my life to live over... Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle." While I don't think this is quite true, because God enables us to share in His miracles when we share His gospel, it is definitely one of His granted privileges to be a mother-in-the-making. Remind me of that in another couple months when the Phoenix summer temperatures hit and I'm complaining!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie & Tobin