Monday, May 3, 2010

We Welcome You to Munchkin Land

We had our first ultrasound on Friday and finally got to see baby C! Poor thing looked a little trapped, since movement is pretty restricted right now. But he kept his hands up and even gave us this picture...I'm going to interpret it as a wave from my kiddo. You know, just sayin' Howdy.

In case you didn't just catch it, we did choose to go ahead and find out that we're having a BOY! I'm not sure how anyone can stand to go through an ultrasound and not be dying to know whether it's a boy or a girl. It was hard enough for me to wait while the technician worked her way from head to feet. Anyway, we'll be naming the little guy Tobin James and can't WAIT to meet him in September. The tech couldn't really say much about his development, but we could see the lobes of his brain, his spine, and all four chambers of his heart pumping away. Not to mention the kicking legs and waving arms. It was an indescribably amazing experience to see my baby living inside me...really living, not just lying there like the gray blob I feared we'd be viewing. I admit it, I cried, and now I'm not sure I'm too happy about having to wait 4 1/2 more months just to hold him. Such a precious thing, being used by God to bring another child into our world. My mother in law treated me to a fabulous massage a couple months ago, and my masseuse gave me the following quote from Erma Bombeck - "If I had my life to live over... Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle." While I don't think this is quite true, because God enables us to share in His miracles when we share His gospel, it is definitely one of His granted privileges to be a mother-in-the-making. Remind me of that in another couple months when the Phoenix summer temperatures hit and I'm complaining!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie & Tobin

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