Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Comfort and Joy

Yes, I do realize it's not Christmas yet (or anywhere near, actually), but can you really appreciate comfort and joy too much? I'm grateful for both those things right now. Everyone said the 2nd trimester would be way better than the first...and, thank you, is. It's like God programmed our bodies to have a breather between the more difficult 1st and 3rd trimesters. Sort of a lull that says "congratulations, you've made it this far" combined with "you have no idea what I've got in store for you next". Ah well. A pastor once said that you're either going through a storm or coming up on one. I'll enjoy the break for now, thank you very much.

I've been very good and haven't bought Toby any of the cute outfits that seem to be throwing themselves in front of my line of sight everywhere I go. J.Paul is mildly appreciative, but doubtful that my self-control will last the rest of this pregnancy. But if there are any cute maroon football outfits (or, by some miracle, an A&M outfit in a clearance bin at the Phoenix mall), I'm getting one. Our little guy will be just in time for football season, so he needs to be properly attired. And for you Texans reading this - a UT outfit is not acceptable.

Speaking of clothing, I had a moment of self-pity this morning when I decided to try on my bathing suit to see if it might fit for our TA pool party on Friday. Oh dear...note to self, don't do that again until next summer. It was almost traumatic, but then I laughed and moved on. I mean, who really feels good in a bathing suit anyway? At least I have a good excuse this year. I'll just spare anyone else the sight and stick with wind shorts and a t-shirt.

Have a blessed week, my friends!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie & Tobin

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy this season of comfort & joy my friend! I'll keep an eye out for A&M clearance outfits for Toby. :-)
