Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cali Chambers

Cali, aka "her Highness" (our pet) complained that I made fun of her in an earlier post and didn't even have the decency to allow you the opportunity to get to know her. So here's a photo - one of the few good ones she's granted us - and a quick bio.

Favorite word - "Moww"
Favorite past times - sleeping, eating, watching creatures out the window
Favorite parent - Mom (Valerie)
Favorite time of day - Tough choice...the auto feeder drops meals three times daily, so we'll just go with all three
Favorite day of the week - Wednesdays and Fridays, because Mom (Valerie) is up early for work and provides early-morning cuddles
Favorite conversationalist - bugs; just let one loose in front of her and she'll talk at it forever
Favorite toy - rubber bands (though she eats them and throws them up on the rug, so they're off limits now)
Favorite treat - anything you'll give her...seriously, she'll even accept people food

And there you have it, my lovable kitty. She'd invite you over to play, but she's busy sleeping. ^_^

Love in Christ ~Valerie

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh...Cali! I wonder if she will like having a little brother :)
