Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mover and a shaker

Had my third (fourth? can't keep track) doctor's appointment today. I gotta say, the Central Phoenix Women's Health Clinic is awesome. I went straight there from school and, since we got out way early, I was about an hour early for my appointment. But they took me in after only 30 minutes of flipping through the latest Pregnancy magazine. Love those ladies.

And I got to hear baby C moving! Dr. Hahn tried to find the best place to hear the heartbeat, but first had some noise interference that she said was the little guy/gal moving around. Heartbeat was up around 150, so he/she was definitely doing a happy dance at the moment. So exciting to know that there's a joyful life developing. Hope this means that it'll be happy once it hits the outside too. Though maybe I won't appreciate such activity when it gets to 2 years old...

AND I got my order to call and schedule our first ultrasound for the week after next. Can't wait to find out what gender the baby is...seems so impersonal to just say "the baby", "it", or "he/she". No promises that we'll share name ideas immediately, but I look forward to having an identifiable person to talk to. Yes, I do already talk to it. I know, I'm weird.

Sorry no pictures yet. Truthfully, there's not much to see. We haven't quite developed the cute "baby bump" that makes you suspect someone's pregnant. I'm afraid I might still be in the stage where someone's afraid to ask for fear that I've just been hitting the desserts a little too hard. Not that I haven't...but hey, it was my birthday last weekend. Can you blame me?

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

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