Thursday, April 1, 2010

Human Development for Foodies

Why is it that every week I get to read about how my baby is growing his/her way through the five food groups? This week, it's the size of an apple, last week it was a lemon (let's hope only in size). Seems a little weird to think, "Gee, I can't wait till the baby finally comes...around the time it feels like an average honeydew melon." My belief is that there's a secret lab where ultrasound technicians play with ultrasound photos and plastic food in order to determine the appropriate weight and proportions to tell expectant mothers. Wonder what the conversations sound like in there... "I have scientifically determined that 13-week babies are the size of a medium shrimp." "Well, maybe you're right, but where is that shrimp from? Pacific? Atlantic? Farm-raised? Haven't you seen the commercials? They're not the same." Hmm...sounds like you better do some more work there, labbies.

Love in Christ ~ Valerie (and baby C, the apple of my eye ^_^)

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