Thursday, April 8, 2010


I started thinking today a little bit about how much adjustment will have to be made around our house to accommodate baby C (who now resembles an avocado, in case you were curious) and it occurred to me that perhaps none of us will have to adjust more than Cali, my sweet but spoiled kitty. I've had a big school project keeping me at school long hours the last few weeks and already she's much more needy in the mornings and evenings when I'm home. Can't imagine what it'll be like when there's a baby taking up all the attention! But as I told J.Paul, after Cali wakes the baby up too many times with incessant meowing, I'm thinking she'll become an outdoor cat. Which is hard in this neighborhood... there's a feral cat establishment that I don't think Cali is quite tough enough to run with. If any of you speak "cat" so I can figure out how to forewarn her, please let me know.

Something else that's been on my mind, really ever since a few days after finding out there even was a baby C in the works, is how incredible a Creator God is. To follow along with the weekly changes going on out of sight, changes that will eventually show themselves in an amazingly complex human being...well, it's pretty astounding. No one else can make something from nothing. And to think people still try and debate that we evolved ourselves from some primordial goop. Oh OK, it took us millions of years to figure it out on our own, but now we have it down and can replicate it all over again in 9 months? Yeah right. So hard to believe people are willing to look past the miracle of what's happening just under our noses (well, maybe a little further down than that) to make a leap of faith in our own superiority, which has time and again proven to be misplaced. Not very eloquent thoughts, but I am grateful for this time of spiritual growth that God has given me. It's special and I need to try and take advantage of it while I'm still sane and well-rested enough to remember even my name.

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

PS. Thanks to all who sent get-well-soon wishes! I'm on the downside (also known as the drippy side) of my cold and managed to tough it out, with much credit going to Sudafed, Tylenol, and J.Paul's TLC. All on my list of "approved medications"!

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