Sunday, April 11, 2010


Well, yesterday was our family's last no-kid birthday. Have to admit, it was a little hard to think that the lazy mornings with day trips to wander around the city whenever we feel like it are over. Birthdays will take more planning in the future. Come to think of it, everything will take a lot more planning once there's a kiddo to tote around! You'd think J.Paul and I would be good at that, both of us being very analytically minded. However, we've actually become pretty spur-of-the-moment people. Or maybe we're just a lot more flexible. Yeah, I like that better. Makes it sound like we won't have as much difficulty being flexible with our kid(s). But the selfish part of me knows that I will. Though sometimes kids give you an excuse to do things most adults wouldn't do on their own. Like take a Disney World vacation and ride all the non-coaster rides. We're looking forward to that. ^_^

I've felt a few little shifts that I wonder if they're baby C rattling around inside. I mean, how hard is it to be stealthy when you're an avocado? Not very subtle, I wouldn't think. But it's hard to know what's what right now. Maybe next week it'll be a little more obvious. I'm sure there will be a day very soon that I long to not have so much movement going on, but right now, I just want to know my little guy/girl is alive and kicking.

Looking forward to another week full of adventures in school-dome. It's midterms for J.Paul and another project for me. But fortunately I'm on the downside. Yes!!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

1 comment:

  1. Valerie, first of all, congratulations to you and J. Paul on expecting your first baby!!! We are so very excited for you. What a wonderful adventure you have begun! Second, you may think "who are you"? :) We are friends of your parents ~ part of their Bible Study/Sunday School group. We pray for each others kids and thus, love to follow blogs, etc. We are a blogging family, 3 of my 4 adult kids have blogs and I even have one. It is SUCH a great way to stay in touch with family and friends AND a way to share thoughts from the heart. I LOVE your design and love getting to know you a little better through it. It sounds like you are doing a fine job of being pregnant ~ it is quite something else isn't it? You will so MISS that precious baby's movement once you deliver. Keep enjoying God's wonderful gift of life and know we are faithfully praying for you. P.S. We have and have always had cats ~ they do just fine once the baby arrives. They certainly are curious, but once the newness wears off, all is well. Happy Wednesday to you Valerie. Post a picture every now and then so we can see you blossom! Love and prayers to you both ~ you three! Dorian Smith
