Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Birthday trip and "fat pants"

Here I went from actually making two posts in one day to forgetting to update for almost 2 weeks. And I thought I was getting good at this blog thing. Couple big things have happened since you last joined us. J.Paul and I took a long weekend trip to New Mexico - Albuquerque and Santa Fe - the weekend after my birthday. It was so nice to get away from Phoenix (land of 90 degree sunshine right now) and from schoolwork; and we got to "discover" a new part of the country. And, best of all, baby C got to be in his/her first US capitol picture. For those who don't know, J.Paul and I are on a mission to take a picture with each US capitol building. We've probably got 15 or so, but this is the first to somehow include our offspring. (yikes, did I just say that about myself?? offspring??) Though we've decided to train the kiddo early on how to work a camera, so don't expect to see many with him/her actually included in the picture. ^_^ Just kidding...mostly. Anyway, we thoroughly enjoyed a weekend of beautiful weather, GREAT food, and lots of exercise. I had no idea Santa Fe was such a walkable city - you can get just about anywhere by walking a mile or two. Very nice. And it's fortunate for me that I didn't develop a craving for good Mexican food after that trip, because nothing here in Phoenix compares. Strange, but sad and true. Maybe I'll try my hand at sopapillas, since I need even more of an excuse to wear bigger clothes.

Which brings me to my next big event. *Drum roll* I wore my maternity pants for the first time today. AHH, the inevitable has happened; I've given in to the bulge. Or more like, the bulge is taking over. Though I've got to say, they were actually quite comfortable. Except for all the fabric over my stomach, it felt a little like wearing fitted PJs. Make no mistake, I plan to ditch them as soon as possible post-baby-weight-shedding, but I think I might be able to handle 'em for the next 9 mos or so. I spend some time each morning looking sadly at my nice pre-baby wardrobe and take a few moments of silence to mourn it's uselessness for this summer season. *Sigh* Then I tell the shirts not to worry, it'll be no time at all before I'm wearing them again and they'll be covered in spit-up. Ah, what a perk to look forward to.

Mother's Day is coming up and, while we won't be celebrating the occasion until baby C actually makes his or her arrival, I'll get to start my Mom's Day with a picture of my baby (however gray and blob-like it is) and will be able to call him/her by the name we've chosen for either a boy or a girl. Yay - I'm so excited for our ultrasound on Friday. Say a prayer that baby C won't make it impossible to see the gender (though maybe I should be grateful for modesty?) and that I won't wet my pants from all the water they're making me drink beforehand. In all seriousness, pray for J.Paul and I as we learn a bit more about this little one that we're going to be adding to our family. It's scary if you start to dwell on all the things that could go "wrong" with a baby (although we know nothing is outside our Heavenly Father's control, so it's not really wrong) and I guess the technician could see something that will drastically change how we anticipate the arrival of our firstborn. While we know that whatever happens is completely in the perfect will of the One knitting our child together this very minute, we humans can be so faithless sometimes in panicking when all isn't as we expect. So this is my prayer - that no matter what happens in the ultrasound on Friday, during the rest of this pregnancy, or after delivery, we will consistently take every opportunity to glorify God, the Creator of all life.

That being said, I know that blogs sometimes work their way around the internet to people who have no clue who I, J.Paul, or baby C are. But one thing I hope all readers know is how much we treasure our relationship with our Heavenly Father and are so grateful for the perfect example He has given us in how to be a good parent. If anyone has any questions about where our faith in this invisible God comes from or just wants to know more about this Father, I definitely welcome any comments. This is more than just an expectant mother forum - this is about a family's real life with real questions and issues and about the total sovereignty of the One who makes it all happen. So, we're not perfect, but we know Someone who is!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

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