Monday, September 6, 2010

Hello, Desi!

My previous post is all about my baby shower, because it was special enough to deserve its own story (that, and there were a lot of pictures!). But this is the supplemental post about the entire day of my shower, which wound up being more exciting than we'd bargained for.

If you recall, I've mentioned a few times about how we were looking to sell our car and purchase a Honda CR-V. Well, Friday afternoon I stumbled across a new listing on for a 2008 CR-V at a local dealership with very low miles for an unbelievable price. Since I couldn't get it out of my mind, J.Paul humored me by going on Saturday morning to "just look" at the car...we thought that surely there was something wrong (a smokers vehicle or something) to make the price so low. Turns out, the dealership was just trying to get people in the door and the car was pretty near perfect. J.Paul had taken his mom with him (since it was only going to be a short trip ^_^) and they did the test drive and everything, then started talking about purchase and trade-in numbers. While I went to get my hair fixed for the shower (I'm growing it long for Locks of Love and had a hard time finding a nice style other than the standard ponytail), J.Paul kept calling and texting to keep me up to speed on the negotiations. About 10 minutes before I needed to leave my house for the shower, J.Paul got them to where we wanted them. But since I wasn't really in the right frame of mind to make a decision, the salesman let J.Paul take the 'new' car (because J.Paul's poor mom had been hanging around during the haggling and needed to get to the shower!) as long as we returned it that evening. He left it with me so I could test-drive it home. I loved it (and the extra trunk room to store the gifts was very useful)!

We looked over the car at the house and tried out both the infant and slightly-older-than-infant carseats to see how we liked the fit. Since the older carseat was a gift from my dad's sisters, we actually did take a couple pictures of the car to send out:

We went back to the dealership that evening and signed all the paperwork to welcome a new car into the family. I was a little sad to part with Shelly, my RX-8, but it was made so much easier because I really do like the new vehicle. Now I don't have to haul myself up out of the low-riding sports seats and we don't have to deal with the maintenance that Shelly was going to be requiring soon. Peace of mind can be worth quite a lot, especially since we're adding a Tobin to the family very soon as well!

If you can't tell from the pictures, the CR-V is a desert green color, and so we have named her "Desi". I'm so grateful and continuously amazed at how good God is to His children. Swapping out a vehicle seems like such a small thing when you think about all that goes on under the Lord's care, but He brought us just the right replacement at the perfect time...and in our budget. Thank you, God!

Well, we're getting close to the final countdown for Tobin's arrival. Two and a half weeks until his due date...but I'm hoping he'll come a little sooner. We'll post any news as soon as we find out ourselves!

Love in Christ ~ Valerie

1 comment:

  1. You should have gotten a minivan!

    Haha... just kidding. I love your new car. And you don't really need a minivan until you have 2 kids.
