Sunday, September 26, 2010

Welcome Tobin James!

No time to write a really good post, but for all you avid "Growing Up Fast" followers - Tobin James is here!!! He arrived at 10:05 AM on Friday, Sept 24 (just a day behind schedule...though my water did break on his due date). He weighed in at 7 lb 10 oz and measured 20.5 inches long. Labor went extremely quickly, for which I am so thankful. Had third degree tearing, but the doctor stitched me up and I'm healing fine. Will add more details later, but wanted to let you know that you can see some of our pictures on our Picasa site (link here). We've taken a gazillion more, so keep watching the album for updates.

Before signing off, THANK YOU for completely bathing us in prayer these last nine months and during the labor experience. God's face was truly shining upon us and we know we can't even fathom how richly He has blessed us with friends like you. We love you all.

Love in Christ ~ Valerie AND TOBIN!!

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